Friday, December 28, 2012

Check a periodontal pocket using a dentalmicroscope.

Hello everyone !ჰ❛‿❛ჴHello❤

I'm Naomi , a Japanese dental hygienist.

It had been several more days this year.

I really appreciate your help this year.I am thankful to you who always read a blog.
Best wishes for the Next Year!

It is the last case this year.

This is the patient in maintenance.

Upper right second molar. It is 1-mm-wide dental calculus.

Pocket depth is very deep. It is impossible to measure pocket depths exact , because there is a pain. Probably there is a pocket to the root apex.



It is a cyst of a pocket bottom. 

I check the root surface using a micro mirror. (mirror view)
Of course, I try to see directly. However, it is impossible when a pocket is deep. (direct view)


Micro mirrors are my necessaries!!
Removal of the dental calculus of a deep pocket certainly requires a micro mirror. 

I think that the dental microscope will change an oral hygienist's history.


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hello everyone !ჰ❛‿❛ჴHello❤

I'm Naomi , a Japanese dental hygienist.

Yesterday, The international journal of microdentistry has been sent .

The report of the oral hygienist symposium of the Japanese microscope dentistry meeting in November, last year was published.

There, it was my photograph. I was surprised. oh!The right is me.

After the general presentaion,different rooms were used concurrently for a hygienists' symposium and table clinic. In Fujimi Hall,Itaru Yoshida,theSecretary General of the JAMD,coordinated the hygienists' symposium,which comprised presentations by panelists Naomi Toda(✿❛◡❛ฺฺ) and Mami Ohno,who spoke from the perspective of working at private dental clinics,and Emiko Nagata,who spoke from the perspective of working at the Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo Hospital.

Throughout the world, it is extremely rare for dentalhygienists to be in an environment where they can use microscope,and the way each of the presenters managed to incorporate the microscope into treatment and to use it effectively,in spite of limited availability of information,came across clearly and led to an extremely interesting symposium.

I think that the dental microscope will change an oral hygienist's history.


Monday, October 8, 2012

The dental calculus removal leading to periodontitis

Hello everyone !ჰ❛‿❛ჴHello❤

I'm Naomi , a Japanese dental hygienist.

Today, I show you the case of scaling & root planing, there are 3.5mm of periodontal pocket. 

At first, I show the x-ray. Please, look at the 48. 

I look in a pocket.

Look! I found the calculus in the distal surface.
Depth of the pockets is around 3.5mm.

I open a pocket and spread a little more and confirm it.

 I confirm root surface in the pocket with a micro mirror.
There are many calculus.

I remove calculus while watching a micro mirror.

I got it a little! A little more.

I got it!
I confirm a pocket bottom by all means in the last of measures.

I finish it with a hand scaler in the last.

I call those case “Preventive Scaling”  

It is comparison between size. A pencil, a micro mirror, a mirror.

I think that the dental microscope will change an oral hygienist's history.
