Friday, December 28, 2012

Check a periodontal pocket using a dentalmicroscope.

Hello everyone !ჰ❛‿❛ჴHello❤

I'm Naomi , a Japanese dental hygienist.

It had been several more days this year.

I really appreciate your help this year.I am thankful to you who always read a blog.
Best wishes for the Next Year!

It is the last case this year.

This is the patient in maintenance.

Upper right second molar. It is 1-mm-wide dental calculus.

Pocket depth is very deep. It is impossible to measure pocket depths exact , because there is a pain. Probably there is a pocket to the root apex.



It is a cyst of a pocket bottom. 

I check the root surface using a micro mirror. (mirror view)
Of course, I try to see directly. However, it is impossible when a pocket is deep. (direct view)


Micro mirrors are my necessaries!!
Removal of the dental calculus of a deep pocket certainly requires a micro mirror. 

I think that the dental microscope will change an oral hygienist's history.
