Hello everyone !ჰ❛‿❛ჴHello❤
I'm Naomi , a Japanese dental hygienist.
Today, I show you the case of scaling & root planing, there are 3.5mm of periodontal pocket.
At first, I show the x-ray. Please, look at the 48.
I look in a pocket.
Depth of the pockets is around 3.5mm.
I open a pocket and spread a little more and confirm it.
I confirm root surface in the pocket with a micro mirror.
There are many calculus.
I remove calculus while watching a micro mirror.
I got it a little! A little more.
I got it!
I confirm a pocket bottom by all means in the last of measures.
I finish it with a hand scaler in the last.
I call those case “Preventive Scaling”
I think that the dental microscope will change an oral hygienist's history.